Happy Holidays...

Quick Story on the HUGE DEBATE that ensued over my departing words to a group of Ladies...

You ask what vile and viscious words did I use to cause so much anger?!?!?

I told the Heffas "HAPPY HOLIDAYS!" (these are friends, I can call them Heffas...lol)

That's Right... I stood up...grabbed my purse...went to hug the one closest to me - and simply wished everyone seated around the table a Happy Holiday Season...and ALMOST got my head bit off... O_o

I say ALMOST, due to the fact that I had to calmly and politely let them know where I was coming from and precisely what I meant - which, after all, is EXACTLY what I said... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

I did not intend to say Merry Christmas NOR was I attempting to avoid saying Merry Christmas in an effort to "leave Christ out of..." something he has never been a part of, anyway... (but that's another story for another time)

I say Happy Holidays, not to be some against the grain rebel, rejecting the ways of the masses- I say Happy Holidays to encompass both Christmas and New Year...ie. the ENTIRE Holiday Season, in my opinion...

I could say "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" - BUT WHY??? That's too many words and I'm too lazy for all that...PLUS, my one simple phrase covers it all! LOL

Mind you, one of these Ladies was the exact same Heffa that just had to go out on Black Friday - and ended up cussing some lady out over the last of an item in Best Buy. All this, just the day after you sat up and gave Thanks for all the Many Blessings in your life?!?!?!

We are truly one of the most hypocritical societies known to man...

GIRL BYE... And Happy Holidays!