Book Cover

I see my book cover has invoked mixed emotions and while I expected this, let me just say... CALM DOWN... It truly isn't this

For those that know me, you are quite aware that I'm one of the ones that pretty much forges her own path - typically without much concern for interjected opinions - unless I ask for them.

So with that being said, here's the story on how my book cover picture came into existence...

A great friend and photographer, the late Doss Tidwell, asked for my participation in a Photo Series he was working on entitled Lady In Red.

In this series, each Lady would have a Red focus piece for her picture - One had a hat, another had a scarf, etc...mine happened to be shoes.

Doss and I had a great session and got some great pics from the shoot. In seeing the end result, Doss picked this picture out of the bunch and said "this is going to be the one." I looked puzzled and asked what he meant - and he told me that while he was going to use another picture for the series, I would eventually use this photo for something special.

Since I wasn't dating anyone special (I would have made a calendar), I tucked it away and almost forgot about it.


When I realized what the book would be about (Authenticity), the title "The Naked Truth" immediately attached itself.

It was in preparation for a photo shoot to develop my book cover photo that I remembered I had THE PERFECT PICTURE already in my aresenal and it fit my project to a T.

It personifies the idea of removing any and everything that inhibits your growth in and truth of SELF.

So while I hate to ask you to dig deeper in thought than the surface of skin, please do me a favor and realize that this, like most pieces of creativity and art, are more than what meets the eye.

For those that have contacted me and offered their support and kudos - all while giving me the proverbial High 5, let me once again say THANKS!

And if for any reason my cover offends you in any way, shape or form - please know that I offer no apologies... I'm simply not your cup of tea, and I'm OK with that...

Spend Some Introspective Time With Yourself....and #StayNaked